Friday, 6 March 2020

Cider With Rosie

By Laurie Lee, adapted by Nick Darke

“Never to be forgotten, that first long secret drink of golden fire, juice of those valleys and of that time, wine of wild orchards, of russet summer, of plump red apples and Rosie’s burning cheeks…”

Be transported back to the Gloucestershire of the 1920s and ‘30s and get lost in Laurie Lee’s tales of a village childhood. Recapture the magic of long summer days, the village school, carol singing in the snow, whispers of murder, and of course sharing that bottle of cider with a girl called Rosie…

"In the spirited hands of director Jenny Wicks, and with a very strong, attractive cast, Nick Darke's sensitive adaptation of Cider with Rosie brought out all of the contrasts of the much-loved novel by Laurie Lee, arousing hilarity, surprises and moments of poignancy in the audience." Kathy Davies, Stroud News and Journal, 27.07.05.

"We drove away dreaming of 'russet summer, of plump red apples and Rosie's burning cheeks." Donald Hollins, the Gloucestershire Echo